3 Questions with Bruno Bouchet on Health Systems Strengthening

Chemonics’ senior director for global health talks about his background, why strengthening health systems is so critical, and how quality improvement can enhance health outcomes and lead to better health for all.
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Part 2: How Can We Optimize the Health Workforce During COVID-19 and Beyond?

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for country leaders to optimize their existing health workforce to meet already high and now growing demand. But how can they do this? In a two-part series, we provide short- and long-term recommendations for health worker optimization within broader health system strengthening efforts.
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Part 1: How Can We Optimize the Health Workforce During COVID-19 and Beyond?

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for country leaders to optimize their existing health workforce to meet already high and now growing demand. But how can they do this? In a two-part series, we provide short- and long-term recommendations for health worker optimization within broader health system strengthening efforts.
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The Next Pandemic: Three Ways to Prepare

COVID-19 has overwhelmed health systems in countries like the United States, Brazil, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. We must act now to mitigate the potentially catastrophic impacts on many developing countries where cases are swiftly increasing.
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Recommendations for a Diverse, Sustained Health Workforce

How do we establish higher-performing health systems to achieve universal health coverage? These three key recommendations focus on building a diverse workforce to deliver accountable, affordable, accessible, and reliable health care for all.
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To Squash Superbugs, Look to Behavior Change

The misuse of antimicrobials is driving the rise of drug resistant pathogens. How can social and behavior change techniques compel individuals to use these life-saving drugs responsibly?
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What Do Women Want? Clean Toilets in Healthcare Facilities

We highlight the essential role of clean and working toilets in expanding access to water, sanitation and hygiene in healthcare facilities, ensuring dignified births and high-quality care for all mothers, babies, and families.
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Ready. Set. Prepared: How the One Health Approach Strengthens National Epidemic Response

A unilateral sector approach is insufficient in the face of epidemics that don’t respect borders or species. USAID’s HRH2030 One Health activity facilitates multisectoral coordination and collaboration to increase local capacity to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to epidemic threats.
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Partnering with Faith-based Organizations to Achieve Health for All

Faith-based organizations deliver more than 30 percent of health services across sub-Saharan Africa, according to the Africa Christian Health Associations Platform. Without meaningful engagement with this community, we jeopardize our pursuit of health for all.
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