Gagauz Apparel Company Creates Jobs for Women in Rural Areas

RiDiager, a clothing manufacturer in the Gagauzia Autonomy, upgraded its facilities, opened new factories and created jobs for rural women with support from the Moldova Competitiveness Project. As a result, the owner has staff loyalty and an expansion in specialized production lines.
Resource - Project Success Story

Securing our Future: Partnerships for Youth

How can we use the resources of public-private partnerships to solve youth unemployment and position young people to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges – in agriculture, natural resources, tourism, and more?
Blog Post

Creating a Win-Win for Youth and the Private Sector

We know the importance of the private sector in development outcomes, but how do we ensure our youth workforce development programs are meeting the ever-changing demands of the labor market?
Blog Post

Workforce Development: Investing in Youth

While the global youth unemployment gap is wide, integrating an improved the youth development model — as exemplified by the work Chemonics is doing — allows youth to learn skills that will prepare them for the job market. This technical brief discusses how these models are accomplished.
Resource - Technical Brief

Economic Growth Through Sustainable Tourism Project

With millions of people visiting Jordan each year, the government recognized that the tourism industry is a major asset to Jordan’s economy and should be strengthened.
Project Page

Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG)

Piloting and sharing approaches to job creation, public financial management, trade and customs, access to finance, enterprise and workforce development, and economic inclusion is promoting economic growth in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Project Page

Building Economic Sustainability through Tourism (BEST)

Beyond enriching the lives of millions of visitors every year, the tourism sector plays a critical role in Jordan’s economy and requires structured support to achieve its full potential.
Project Page

A Facilitation Approach to Youth Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship

The Feed the Future Uganda Youth Leadership for Agriculture Activity bridged the gap between youth and the private sector by using a facilitation approach.
Resource - Technical Brief