Zoltan Milic

Director, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, USG Business Line

Zoltan Milic is an experienced economist with over 17 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, data and complex systems modeling and analyses, change management, and internal auditing. Zoltan is currently the director of Monitoring and…

Person - Specialist

Barbara Fillip

Senior Advisor, Knowledge Management

Dr. Barbara Fillip is a senior knowledge management and organizational learning practitioner with more than 20 years of experience designing and implementing activities in support of individual, team, project and organization-wide learning. Barbara earned her Ph.D.…

Person - Specialist

News: HRH2030’s Colombia Activity Wins USAID CLA Case Competition

The Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition recognizes USAID projects using a CLA approach to meet development objectives. This year, the Human Resources for Health in 2030 Program (HRH2030)’s Colombia activity earned the recognition.
News Story

Empowered to Thrive in Tajikistan

The success of female farmers in Tajikistan starts with a culture of collaborating, learning, and adapting.
Impact Story

Alejandro Arrivillaga

Chief of Party, Guatemala Biodiversity Project

Alejandro Arrivillaga is a biologist with more than 25 years of experience with complex, multi-country biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management projects, in government and non-governmental settings. Alejandro has a proven scientific record and experience with…

Person - Specialist

The Contract Side of CLA

Technical experts share how they have approached the contract side of collaborating, learning, and adapting.

Making CLA Sustainable

How can global development projects and practitioners make CLA sustainable? Our technical experts from around the world share their thoughts.

Getting Buy-In for CLA

How can global development projects get others on board when it comes to the collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) approach? Our technical experts from around the world share their thoughts.

Applying CLA in Real Life

What is Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) and how can we apply it in real life? Hear from our technical experts about how they collaborate, learn and adapt in projects around the world.