Protesters hold a sign in in French that says "No to war, yes to peace."

Putting Conflict in Context

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Peace, Stability, and Transition | Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

Devex's Conflict in Context campaign is a month-long conversation on conflict, transition, and recovery.

In the past few weeks, we’ve all seen the headlines as growing numbers of refugees flee the ongoing conflict in Syria.

According to the armed conflicts database maintained by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, there are currently 42 active conflicts in the world, more than 12 million refugees, and approximately 180,000 people have been killed in conflict so far this year.

Development professionals work in both areas of immediate crisis, and countries that need help rebuilding after a conflict ends. For the past month, Chemonics has partnered with Devex to talk about the challenges and opportunities countries face during times of crisis, and how the development community can better respond in these trying situations.

Three of our staff members with experience working in conflict zones around the world contributed commentaries to the Conflict in Context campaign. Check them out here:

Remote management is key to keeping aid workers safe in conflict areas

Christina Shultz, a director in our Middle East region, discusses three lessons learned about how to keep staff safe while working on development projects in the midst of war or other violence.

5 ways to build trust among stakeholders in conflict settings

Executive Vice President Eric Reading discusses why trust among stakeholders—including beneficiaries, governance structures, donors and implementers—is essential to creating stability and lasting change in conflict and post-conflict societies.

How to move forward after war

Dzenita Kolja, who lived through the Bosnian war and now works on development projects in Afghanistan, shares her own experiences with conflict and describes how development is a powerful force for bridging divides and bringing people together.

Want more? Discover news stories, videos and more on Devex’s Conflict in Context campaign site or follow the #ConflictInContext hashtag on Twitter.

About Danielle Zielinski

Danielle Zielinski is a former manager in Chemonics’ Strategic Communications and Outreach Department.