Several large solar panels with several wind turbines in the background.

Power Revolution — A New Way Forward in the Global Power Sector

| < 1 Minute Read
Water and Sustainable Cities | Sustainable Energy Transition
Private Sector Engagement | Climate Services

In this article, Matthew S. Mendis and Edward Hoyt argue that the time has arrived for an electric power revolution in lower and middle income countries, requiring far-sighted leadership, international coordination, data-driven solutions, and public support.

This post originally appeared on Devex.

The COVID-19 pandemic that has overwhelmed health care systems around the world has also exposed significant weaknesses in another essential element of economic and social development: the global power sector.

Dramatic swings in daily electricity demands as countries impose and rescind pandemic lockdowns, and the subsequent economic damage to governments and public utilities, are putting unprecedented strains on many power providers.

The challenge is particularly acute in low- and middle-income countries, where power providers are generally government-owned, operating on thin or negative financial margins, offering below-cost tariffs for low-income residential consumers, and frequently saddled with capacity charges or onerous take-or-pay contracts for power supply … Read the full blog post on Devex.

Posts on the blog represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Chemonics.


Matthew Mendis

Matthew S. Mendis is a clean energy, environment, and finance expert with more than 35 years of experience in more than 45 developing countries. Initially, Matthew spent 10 years of his career at the World Bank, including pioneering innovative financing mechanisms for small-scale energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. Subsequently, he founded and grew Alternative…

Edward Hoyt

Edward Hoyt is the Senior Advisor for Energy and Climate in Chemonics’ West and Central Africa and Haiti Division, and a member of the Sustainable Energy Transition practice. Prior to joining Chemonics, Edward was a principal consultant with Abt Associates and Nexant, and earlier was a co-founder of Econergy, a diversified clean energy company that…