WASH Private Sector Engagement Specialist for Lagos Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (LUWASH) Activity | Lagos, Nigeria | 2024

Chemonics seeks a short-term Private Sector Engagement (PSE) WASH Specialist for the Nigeria/LUWASH Activity. The project aims  to  increase the availability, quality and use of safe water and sanitation services and improve the governance and sustainable management of associated sector institutions in Lagos, Nigeria. Through an integrated, market-based approach, LUWASH will work across the value…

Consultoría para brindar apoyo en el Plan Estrategico Institucional del Instituto para la Asistencia y Atencion a la Victima del Delito (Periodo 2025-2029) | Guatemala City, Guatemala | 2024

Chemonics International, Inc. busca un(a) Consultor(a) para elaborar el Plan Estratégico Institucional del Instituto para la Asistencia y Atención a la Víctima del Delito para el período 2025-2029, donde se consideren los ejes de fortalecimiento institucional, mejora y extensión de servicios en atención a la víctima, asistencia legal e innovación tecnológica, entre otros. El/la Consultor(a)…

Country Representative | Gaborone, Botswana | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Botswana Country Representative for the USAID Empower Southern Africa (ESA) project. ESA is a 5-year regional program that covers South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Comoros and Sao Tome and Principe. The primary purpose of ESA is to increase the availability of, access to, and use…

Consultoría para brindar Asistencia Técnica en el fortalecimiento del litigio estratégico en el Instituto para la Asistencia y Atención a la Víctima del Delito | Guatemala City, Guatemala | 2024

Chemonics International, Inc. busca un(a) Consultor(a) para brindar apoyo técnico para fortalecer la capacidad de la Dirección de Asistencia Legal del Instituto de la Víctima con la finalidad de implementar técnicas de litigio estratégico en casos sobre violencia basada en género y violencia sexual conforme los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos. El/la Consultor(a) apoyará en…

Consultoría para brindar Asistencia Técnica para el Desarrollo de un Sistema Informático de UPCV | Guatemala City, Guatemala | 2024

Chemonics International, Inc. busca un(a) Consultor(a) para brindar apoyo técnico en el desarrollo de un Sistema Informático (aplicación) de código abierto (Open-source software), para el control y análisis de datos vinculados a acciones de prevención de la Unidad para la Prevención Comunitaria de la Violencia (UPCV). El objetivo de la consultoría es dar fortalecimiento institucional…

Consultoría para brindar Asistencia Técnica a SVET en la Implementación de CIVS | Guatemala City, Guatemala | 2024

Chemonics International, Inc. busca un(a) Consultor(a) para brindar apoyo técnico para fortalecer a través de asistencia técnica a la Secretaría Contra la Violencia Sexual, Explotación y Trata de Personas -SVET- particularmente en la creación, diseño y fortalecimiento de espacios técnicos destinados a fortalecer la coordinación interinstitucional del Estado de Guatemala para la prevención, erradicación y…

Chief of Party | Kyiv, Ukraine | 2024

Chemonics seeks expressions of interest and recommendations for a chief of party for the anticipated New Workforce Development Activity in Ukraine. The five-year activity aims to adapt employers and employees to structural changes in the labor market. Specifically, it will support the upskilling and retraining of Ukraine’s labor force to adapt to the demographic and…

Chief of Party | Dakar, Senegal | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Chief of Party (COP) for the USAID Senegal Water Resources (WRM) Activity. Senegal WRM is in its second year of implementation. The four-year, $12 million project aims to support improved water resources management by bringing together multiple uses and users of water, supporting sustainable and inclusive land and water management systems that…

Technical Deputy Chief of Party | Bangui, Central African Republic | 2024

Chemonics International seeks a Deputy Chief of Party Technical for the anticipated USAID-funded DRC/CAR Resilient Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Mbomou-Uele Region. The DRC/CAR Resilient Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods Activity aims to mitigate inter-communal conflict; building communities’ resilience in the face of persistent insecurity and economic hardship; and strengthening community engagement and development. The…

Chief of Party | Bangui, Central African Republic | 2024

Chemonics International seeks a Chief of Party for the anticipated USAID-funded DRC/CAR Resilient Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Mbomou-Uele Region. The DRC/CAR Resilient Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods Activity aims to mitigate inter-communal conflict; building communities’ resilience in the face of persistent insecurity and economic hardship; and strengthening community engagement and development. The activity will…

Chief of Party | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Chief of Party (COP) for the USAID Lishe (Nutrition) Project. The five-year $40 million project aims to strengthen health and food market systems that promote the adoption of optimal nutrition-related behaviors across a range of stakeholders in the Kigoma, Katavi, Songwe, Njombe, and Rukwa regions in Tanzania. This will be achieved by:…

Chief of Party | Pemba, Mozambique | 2024

Chemonics seeks a Chief of Party for the anticipated USAID Stability Through Economic Progress, Unity and Peacebuilding (STEP UP) program in Mozambique. The project will empower local organizations, businesses, and communities to participate in and guide their own development in conflicted areas, including but not limited to, Cabo Delgado. The program seeks to address local…