Can a Competition Create Space for Learning? Three Design Factors to Consider

This post originally appeared on Marketlinks. Development practitioners are often innovating, piloting, and problem-solving — but sometimes these initiatives have a hard time getting disseminated past the project annual report. At Chemonics, the Economic Growth and Trade Practice and the Education and Youth Practice joined forces to kick off 2018 with the launch of our…

News: Youth-Led Innovations: The Journey to Self-Reliance

On April 19, representatives from our Feed the Future Uganda Youth Leadership for Agriculture (YLA) activity, along with partner Equator Seeds Limited, joined USAID for an event entitled “USAID Youth-Led Innovations: The Journey to Self-Reliance.” The event, held in Washington, D.C., and hosted by USAID, YouthCorps, and the Global Development Lab, brought together partners, donors,…

Final Report: Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites II

MARKETS II supported the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative, the government of Nigeria’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA), and its succeeding Agriculture Promotion Policy 2016 – 2020 (also known as the Green Alternative). Through a market-demand value chain orientation, the project focused on the large population of smallholders with between 1 to 5 hectares of…

News: Re-Mapping Global Education at #CIES2018

From March 25 to 29, education and literacy experts from Chemonics will participate in the 2018 Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) in Mexico City, Mexico. The event brings together more than 3,000 researchers, students, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to discuss high-priority issues in this sector. In addition…

Marcos Moreno

Marcos Moreno is the chief of party for the Feed the Future Bangladesh Horticulture, Fruits and Non-Food Crops Activity. He is an agriculture and youth development expert with more than 30 years of experience, including 20 years at senior management levels, creating sustainable economic opportunities for the next generation via agribusiness development projects in East…

Fostering Youth-Led Farmer Services Enterprises in Uganda

Uganda has the world’s second-youngest population with 8 million youth aged 15 to 30 and a growing job gap: Each year 400,000 youth enter the labor market and compete for 80,000 formal jobs. With a high population growth rate, job seekers are expected to reach 48 million by 2040. Reliant on agriculture, Uganda sits at…

10 Lessons Learned for Facilitating an Inclusive Agricultural Market System

Agriculture is vital to the continued diversification of Nigeria’s economy and to rural prosperity and food security for all Nigerians. The country’s agricultural market system is exceedingly complex. Building the sector requires a systems approach that encompasses entire targeted value chains. All links are important. Without a link to a profitable source of market demand,…

Workforce Development: Investing in Youth

Youth development programs need to continue to bridge the gap between school and work. To do this, they should offer avenues to increase economic opportunities for young people, provide social and political stability, and arm the incoming workforce with 21st century skills. By supporting and preparing young people for real-world work, youth workforce development programs…

News: Chemonics at the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit

According to the International Labor Organization, 71 million youth were estimated to be unemployed in 2016, and 37 percent of working youth live in poverty. As the future of work evolves and labor markets shift, securing social and economic opportunities for the world’s young people stands as a critical priority for the development community. At…