Building Peace in Libya

After six years of chronic instability and a persistent governance and security vacuum, Libyans increasingly frame their aspirations in terms of survival. The Libya Transition Initiative (LTI) III, under USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives, fostered stability and public confidence in public institutions, aiming to reinforce Libyan resilience and prevent further political fragmentation. Working in partnership…

Promoting National Cohesion in Ukraine

Ukraine faced sociopolitical upheaval in the wake of the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and armed conflict in the country’s eastern region. In response, USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) launched the Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) to support a successful democratic transition and promote national cohesion. With special attention to eastern Ukraine,…

Increasing Confidence in Ukraine’s Democratic Transition

Since the 2014 Euromaidan revolution, the Ukrainian government has pursued a European model of democracy. However, citizens’ skepticism of the country’s reform process in eastern Ukraine is a significant threat to the democratic transition. Through the Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative II (UCBI II), USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) is supporting communities in eastern Ukraine…

4 Best Practices to Counter and Prevent Violent Extremism Through Governance

Despite the recent weakening of violent extremist groups such as the Islamic State and Boko Haram, these threats continue to be a pressing global issue. In the development sector, countering violent extremism (CVE) and preventing violent extremism (PVE) are increasingly high priorities for government agencies and donors. As USAID, the State Department, and others grapple…

News: Chemonics and Alliance for Peacebuilding Host Panel on Countering Violent Extremism

Violent extremism is a pressing global issue that threatens economic growth, youth employment, and geopolitical stability. In the global development community, countering violent extremism and preventing violent extremism continue to be high priorities. Good governance is widely accepted as being key to both, but what does this mean in practice? This question was the focus…

The Lack of HIV Programming in Refugee Camps is a Ticking Time Bomb

For nearly four decades, HIV has not only been a public health emergency, but also one of the biggest barriers to global development. This disease costs national governments billions of dollars each year in treatment and prevention costs as well as opportunity costs in relation to immune-compromised citizens who are no longer able to contribute…

Catherine Kannam

Catherine Kannam is Chemonics’ chief operating officer. Prior to this role, she was the senior vice president (SVP) for Chemonics’ Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan region as well as the SVP for Chemonics’ Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion and Peace, Stability and Transition technical practices. She also oversaw our unit focused on Office of Transitions…

Elevating Security Sector Reform

Security is essential for sustainable development. The Security Governance Initiative — an interagency initiative composed of multiple U.S. government agencies, including USAID, the National Security Council, and the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security — built the capacity of security sector institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Tunisia. With more effective,…

Michael Geertson

Michael Geertson is a democracy and governance and conflict mitigation specialist with two decades of experience in the management and technical direction of international development programs. He currently serves as chief of party for USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives’ Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative in Kyiv. Michael has led design and implementation teams in more than…

Amy Denkenberger

Amy W. Denkenberger is formerly Chemonics’ Chief Information Officer .