News: Launching the Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit for International Development Practitioners

Chemonics is thrilled to have officially launched the Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit for International Development Practitioners at the Trauma-Informed Approaches in Development Summit earlier today as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign for 2023. Designed to be a versatile guide applicable at any stage in the project lifecycle, the toolkit follows…

Applying the ‘Do No Harm’ Principle Through Informed Consent

Chemonics implements international development programs in a variety of sectors across the world, very often among communities that live in fragile and complex environments. Under such circumstances, communities are often wary of participating in surveys and data collection as this may expose them to intimation, discrimination, or violence. At the same time, collecting data remains…

Strengthening Humanitarian Responses: Technology, Data and Evidence-Based Approaches

Chemonics UK hosted a hybrid event on 5 December 2023 at our offices in London and online via Teams Live Events. This event convened international development and humanitarian partners, donors, practitioners, and researchers to explore current and emerging technology, data, and evidence-based approaches for informing emergency responses globally. The event explored examples of where technology,…

How a Global Video Challenge Inspires Collaboration and Learning

By relying on paper records, Nepal’s health supply chain faced a challenge in ensuring essential medicines were reaching all of its population, including those in remote or hard-to-reach areas. To remedy this, our USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project worked alongside the Government of Nepal to co-develop an online database…

Shifting the Migration Narrative: From Fragility to Resiliency and (Re)Integration

Migration from Central America remains on the rise, amidst dynamic human mobility patterns with complex and evolving demographic profiles. The growing waves of return and transit migration, with migrants fleeing dire living conditions in other countries in the Hemisphere (such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, or Haiti), are creating new pockets of fragility for Central America. Insecurity,…

News: Chemonics Project Selected as 2023 CLA Case Competition Winner

USAID recently announced the winners of their annual Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition that assessed how USAID projects put CLA into practice for better development programming. The USAID/Colombia Venezuela Response and Integration (VRI) activity, implemented by Chemonics, was selected as one of the winners. Since 2016, migration from Venezuela has grown steadily, with…

In Syria’s Ongoing Conflict, One Volunteer Group Continues to Save Lives

More commonly known as the White Helmets, the Syria Civil Defence (SCD) is a community-led group of volunteers who set out in 2013 to provide emergency assistance to the Syrians during the conflict years. Over the years, this fledging organization has been supported by several international donors, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),…

Case Study: Promoting Transparent Development in Iraq: Unveiling Challenges and Cultivating Trust through Collaboration

This case study explores how the Iraq Regional Program II (IRP) is promoting partners’ open reporting of challenges and failures by building trust, establishing collaborative learning platforms, and adopting techniques to be culturally appropriate. The study provides actionable recommendations on promoting transparent communication, relationship building, and contextualized programming to enhance stabilization outcomes.  

Technical Brief: Women’s Integration in the Syria Civil Defence Unexploded Ordnance Activities

This technical brief provides practical recommendations for integrating women into historically male-dominated development activities and professions, specifically highlighting the work of neutralizing unexploded ordnances in Syria using lessons learned by the Syria Civil Defence, commonly known as the White Helmets. Banner image caption: UXO volunteer provides information about unexploded ordnance to children in a camp for…

Meeting the Moment: Local Changemakers Lead in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Local ownership, especially in fragile, conflict-affected, and non-permissive environments, is critical. So how can development donors and implementing partners bolster partner-driven strategies for sustainable development and meaningful change? Participants included both local and D.C.-based NGOs, community-based organizations, thought leaders, research and policy institutes, local governments, advocacy groups, and implementing partners who have moved the needle in the…