Through the Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project (FS Share) Task Order, the USAID Bureau for Economic Growth Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) and Chemonics proactively collaborate with missions to identify financial sector priorities and develop strategies and programs to grow the financial sector. FS Share identifies financial sector best practices and aggregates them through model scopes…
The United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (EGAT) developed the Capital Markets Assessment Tool (AT), which was derived from the Capital Markets Questionnaire for Equity and Corporate Debt Securities developed by Robert Strahota with support from USAID EGAT. The objective of the AT is to support assessment of…
This primer is designed to convert lessons learned and best practices into effective financial systems that enable long-term economic growth and expansion. It provides an overview of the technical background and rationale for secured financing reform, and a detailed description of the components a reform program should include. The diagnostic checklist is a simple tool…
The goal of this toolkit is to provide a set of standardized lending approaches for the agriculture sector and a reference guide for mid-level bank staff currently or prospectively involved in the agricultural lending process. Target staff includes client relationship staff, loan officers, risk management department staff and their managers, as well as producer associations…
Through the Financial Sector (FS) Share task order, the USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (EGAT) and Chemonics proactively collaborated with missions to identify financial sector priorities and develop strategies and programs to grow the financial sector. This primer was prepared by Caroline Averch and J. Mauricio Gutierrez of Chemonics with support from USAID EGAT and The U.S. Treasury International Affairs Office of Technical…
The Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project was designed by the USAID Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT, now known as E3) as a vehicle to test innovative approaches to financial-sector development and facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned through implementation. Through these activities, FS Share’s…
For emerging markets, blended finance is the new cool kid on the block. It’s a tool that facilitates access to finance around the world, and it’s gaining momentum with the international development community. While articles discussing blended finance abound, development practitioners increasingly seek specific information about how to “do” blended finance. Chemonics and LixCap know…
Getting the global economy on track to reap a demographic dividend, create prosperity, protect the planet, and eliminate extreme poverty will be difficult unless governments, international donors, businesses, and practitioners work together to harness the economic aspirations of youth. A recent study by the International Labour Organization shows that 13.6 percent of youth, or more…
Asdrubal Negrete Lebette is currently the chief of party of the Colombia Rural Finance Initiative, where he works with banks, anchor firms, and producers to design and pilot innovative value chain finance mechanisms to help smallholders, small and medium enterprises to access credit and other financial services. Asdrubal has over 25 years of experience in…
In 2017, women around the world made up 47 percent of the formal workforce but only earned, on average, 77 percent of men’s earnings. These figures are critical in understanding the staggering inequalities present in the global workforce and the need to address gender inequality through an economic lens. Gender equity and economic empowerment are…
What are the barriers to usage of digital financial services? What are the most effective ways to drive uptake? Modern financial solutions, spurred by internet and mobile access, present an important opportunity to make transactions more efficient. These digital innovations can save time and transportation costs for bank and client alike while building credit history…
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG) project in 2013. A five-year initiative with a shared ceiling of $69 million, AMEG enabled technical support teams in USAID’s Asia and Middle East bureaus to collaborate with USAID missions and operating units to identify and…