Strengthening the Agricultural Lending in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The goal of this toolkit is to provide a set of standardized lending approaches for the agriculture sector and a reference guide for mid-level bank staff currently or prospectively involved in the agricultural lending process. Target staff includes client relationship staff, loan officers, risk management department staff and their managers, as well as producer associations…

Financial Series #1: Enabling Sub-Sovereign Bond Issuances

Through the Financial Sector (FS) Share task order, the USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (EGAT) and Chemonics proactively collaborated with missions to identify financial sector priorities and develop strategies and programs to grow the financial sector. This primer was prepared by Caroline Averch and J. Mauricio Gutierrez of Chemonics with support from USAID EGAT and The U.S. Treasury International Affairs Office of Technical…

Final Report: Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project

The Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project was designed by the USAID Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT, now known as E3) as a vehicle to test innovative approaches to financial-sector development and facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned through implementation. Through these activities, FS Share’s…

Toward a More Competitive Economy in Ukraine

Political developments since the Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” give Ukraine the opportunity to create an open and competitive economy that can sustain growth over time, withstand systemic shocks, and provide economic opportunities to all Ukrainians. The USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP) promotes a strong, diverse, and open economy by enhancing the business environment for small…

A New Solution for Advancing Criminal Justice in Latin America

Nearly half of Latin American countries rank among the nations with the highest impunity scores worldwide, suggesting that criminal justice systems lack resources to prosecute and try crimes effectively in a context of widespread crime and violence. Yet, Latin America has the partners, the resources, and the interest to tap one promising solution to the…

Building the Tech Workforce through Private Sector Engagement

Many countries find themselves facing “brain drain” — mass exodus of bright young minds seeking greater opportunities for employment abroad. In the small European country Moldova, for instance, one third of the population has left to find living wages elsewhere. Fortunately, engaging the private sector in technology-related workforce development projects offers a sustainable, market-based solution.…

3 Questions with Cynthia Steen on Transforming Moldova’s Agriculture Sector

Cynthia Steen serves as chief of party of the USAID Moldova High Value Agriculture Activity (HVAA) and has previously led agribusiness and enterprise development projects in multiple countries, including Egypt, Albania, Jamaica, Lebanon, Ethiopia, and Indonesia. HVAA is successfully demonstrating production, post-harvest, and marketing techniques to make Moldova a more competitive exporter, creating sustainable opportunities…