In this three-part series, Chris Perine, Chemonics’ director of corporate environmental sustainability, answers questions about how the global development community can adapt to effectively address the climate crisis. His recommendations include areas for further climate research, more thoughtful and human-centered use of data, and new approaches to development programming. 1) What type of research…
In the global context of the COVID-19 pandemic, new consumer trends and digitization are reshaping markets and firms. Several high-potential economic sectors in Moldova have an opportunity to pivot their recovery and emerge from the pandemic stronger and more successful than before. The Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA), funded by USAID, Sweden, and the United…
These briefs serve as a reference point for development practitioners interested in leveraging blended finance approaches in project design and delivery and improving the quality of engagement with the private sector. They include a primer that provides a targeted, high-level overview of blended finance mechanisms to contextualize the sector-specific technical briefs. The briefs also articulate…
The mechanics of drilling a well are straightforward. Knowing where, how, and whether to drill that well amid extreme conditions wrought by climate change poses a whole new challenge. International development experts, confronting the complexities of rising temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, and extreme weather, are adding new data-driven approaches to their toolkits to drill that…
We live in an increasingly urban world with infrastructure and essential services struggling to keep pace. From the current level of 56% in 2020, the United Nations (UN) projects that 68% of the world’s population will be urban by 2050. Many of the world’s fastest growing populations over this period are projected to be rapidly…
Earth-observing satellites and geospatial technologies collect valuable information that can shape how developing countries manage climate risks and land use. A joint initiative of USAID and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), SERVIR puts this information in the hands of communities who need it most. With the data and tools provided by SERVIR programs,…
Governments around the world have recognized the potentially devastating consequences of climate variability and change to economic development, livelihood security, and natural resources conservation. A study conducted in 2017 by the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project examining official statements and planning and strategy documents found that fifteen countries and five regional organizations…
The Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity (EEA) was a USAID-funded project aimed at reducing regulatory barriers for agribusiness and local farmers in Uganda. This final report summarizes how the activity achieved this through building the capacity of both public and private sectors to assist Ugandan government farmers, traders, producers, and agricultural…
Mohammad Alamoush is a seasoned development professional with more than 20 years of valuable technical and managerial experience in both the public and private sectors. He is currently the chief of party of the USAID Jordan Cities Implementing Transparent, Innovative, and Effective Solutions (Jordan-CITIES) Project, and previously held the role of deputy chief of party.…
The USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) was a seven-year (2014 to 2021), $18.48 million project that provided support to businesses through policy and regulatory reforms, improved infrastructure, and institutions. The project improved the enabling environment for the province’s agriculture sector and promoted private sector-led growth, with a focus on the horticulture and dairy and…
USAID’s Investment Facilitation Activity in the DRC (USAID Invest) is a five-year program that aims at fostering private investments into the DRC by operating as an investment facilitation platform, providing support to businesses and investors. The Activity seeks to mobilize $100 million in private capital to the DRC between March 2021 and February 2026. Reach…