Strengthening Resilience around the World

Once broadly defined and loosely measured, the concept of resilience now shapes the development strategies of USAID, DFID, the World Bank, and an increasing number of partner government planning agencies. Resilience thinking provides the basis for a more coherent response to global crises. USAID defines resilience as the ability or capacity to mitigate, adapt to,…

Our Work in Peace, Stability, and Transition

One of the world’s leading international development firms, Chemonics is committed to taking on the toughest challenges in the most complex environments. Learning from the company’s multisectoral expertise, our global workforce implements programs that mitigate the effects of conflict, drive peacebuilding efforts, and support political stability. Whether supporting a peaceful democratic transition or lending a…

Why Does A Mining Company Care About Malaria? The Ivanhoe Fionet Partnership

For mining companies to thrive, so must the communities where they operate. To improve operational efficiency and support these communities, Ivanhoe Mines partnered with Fio Corporation and Chemonics to introduce and scale an innovative technology (Fionet) for supporting the diagnosis, treatment, and tracking of malaria in and around their mine development sites in the Democratic…

Cultivating Moldova’s Historical Wine Sector

Wine is of significant importance to the Moldovan economy because it is one of the only products exported with its full value chain completed in-country and high employability in rural areas. The Moldovan wine sector has opened new markets and reoriented exports to the EU, China, and the U.S. by organizing promotion activities. The ‘Wine…

From Science to Scale – Aflasafe

This fact sheet provides a brief description of how the Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialization (ATTC) Program transitioned from research and development of the most appropriate aspergillus flavus strains, engaging investors in the business strategy and technology, sharing the implementation and execution among farmers, and finally achieving results in Nigeria. These results included: 100,000 hectares…

Our Work in Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

At Chemonics, we realize that every project is an opportunity to change historical norms for how all individuals participate in and benefit from development. We apply a gender and social inclusion lens to our multi-sector work, acknowledging factors like age, ethnic and religious identities, sexual orientation and gender identity, physical and mental ability, and socioeconomic…

Our Work in Environment and Natural Resources

Understanding that development challenges are interrelated, we know how to design crosscutting solutions to complex environmental problems. Our projects engage a broad range of stakeholders to support policies, promote new technologies, and harness and develop inclusive governance. In this way we employ strategies that conserve biodiversity, implement sustainable forestry, increase resilience to a changing climate,…

Financing Watershed Protection

The Bago City government received technical support through the Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER) Program, jointly developed and implemented by USAID and the Philippines’ Department for Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Through this program, Bago City was able to introduce the environmental protection fee on water, with proceeds from…

Our Work in Education and Youth

We are driven by our insistence that tomorrow’s world must be better than today’s, which is why our work with youth is central to our mission. With more than half of the world’s population under 30 years of age, it is critical that we empower young people to serve as tomorrow’s leaders. We see youth…

Chicken, Sugar, Rice: A Balanced Diet for Watershed Protection

Rather than allowing deforestation to continue, and by extension affect the watershed of its rice-growing community, the Filipino municipality of Bago City, enacted a conservation financing model to protect the watershed and better inform the population. The Bago City government receives technical support through the Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience…