News: Innovating, Connecting, and Transforming Development at the ICT4D Conference

Innovations in technology have enhanced development impact across all sectors — from agriculture to education to health. From May 8 to 10, public, private, and civil society organizations from around the world will convene for the 2018 Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) Conference in Lusaka, Zambia. Now in its 10th year, the conference…

Dr. Felix Gaschick

Dr. Felix Gaschick is a biodiversity and forestry specialist with more than 15 years of experience conceptualizing and managing natural resource and livelihood programs across Mongolia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. He joined Chemonics in 2013 and served as the biodiversity and forestry specialist for the USAID-funded Philippines Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and…

Promoting Tourism in Timor-Leste

In March 2017, Timor-Leste enacted its national tourism policy, which calls for sustainable environmental development while increasing tourist visits and improving local and national economic opportunities. Through USAID’s Tourism for All Project (“USAID nia Projetu Turizmu Ba Ema Hotu”), Timor-Leste realized its goal of becoming a tourist destination that brings 200,000 foreign tourists annually by…

Rachel Deussom

Rachel Deussom is the director of the Chemonics Global Health Practice, with over 17 years of experience focusing on health systems strengthening, human resources for health, community health, digital Health, HIV/AIDS, and maternal and child health. Previously, she acted as the technical director of HRH2030 Program, USAID’s global health workforce flagship project, led by Chemonics.…

News: Global Health Supply Chain Program Tops 80% On-Time Delivery

The GHSC-PSM project recently shared a report that covers the first quarter of FY2018 (October 1-December 31, 2017). On the crucial metric of on-time delivery (OTD), GHSC-PSM achieved 82 percent for the month of December, exceeding its target of 60 percent. Overall, the quarter’s OTD was 72 percent, more than double that of the previous…

News: Looking to the Future of Digital Development

Which digital tools show the greatest promise to maximize development impact around the world? How can organizations and governments make sure that these tools are part of an inclusive approach to development? These are the kinds of questions that participants will discuss at the Digital Development Forum: The Next 10 Years event, hosted by USAID…

Efrain Laureano

Dr. Efrain Laureano is a senior natural resources economist with more than 30 years of experience managing USAID development programs. He currently serves as the senior vice president of Chemonics’ Asia Division. Previously, Efrain was the chief of party for the Philippines Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience Project (B+WISER), leading the team…

Ensuring Quality Education in Afghanistan

Despite strides made since 2007, Afghanistan’s education sector continues to face a variety of challenges around infrastructure and service delivery. To address these challenges, USAID’s Capacity Building Activity (CBA) is helping the Ministry of Education achieve its 2015-2020 National Education Strategic Plan goals. The activity is strengthening the ministry’s capacity to deliver higher-quality education services…

Improving Health and Human Capital in Bangladesh

Bangladesh made remarkable improvement in population health outcomes, reducing maternal, infant, and under-five mortality rates. Despite these achievements, however, the health system in Bangladesh struggles to provide quality, affordable health services to its population, particularly the poor. Since 1997, Smiling Sun Clinics — the world’s largest NGO network of maternal and child health clinics —…