Benefiting Equally from Land – Reaching Women Before It’s Too Late

The timing, approach, and pace of land reform and collective farm restructuring throughout the former Soviet republics has varied dramatically – and in many places is still ongoing. Whether government chose to privatize land, guarantee land use rights, or keep the status quo of state ownership, land and access to it remains critical for millions…

This Land is My Land: Securing Land Rights for Vulnerable Groups Through Responsible Governance

This week, hundreds of the world’s leading land rights scholars, practitioners, and governors will convene in our nation’s capital for the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Scaling up Responsible Land Governance,” and conference-goers will join forces to develop clear pathways for “working at scale, mainstreaming innovations, and…

The Connection Between International Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment

The business case for promoting in women’s economic empowerment is clear. According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute Report, expanding and improving women’s economic participation can add as much as $12 trillion to $28 trillion to the global GDP by 2025. In addition, as studies consistently affirm, an investment in a woman’s economic empowerment is…

Integrating Gender Into Trade Capacity-Building Programs in the Middle East and Asia

This document aims to help development professionals design trade capacity-building programs that respond to the clear-cut case for equalizing economic conditions for men and women. To assist development professionals in identifying appropriate areas for interventions, this paper gives an overview of the complex issues related to gender and trade, presented in five parts: Setting the…

Ugandan Farmers — Majority Women — Devise New Mobile Solution

This post was originally published by the Better Than Cash Alliance and is cross-posted with permission. Chemonics is a proud member of the alliance. On a recent trip to Uganda, where I assessed Chemonics’ implementation of mobile money solutions, I was encouraged to see mobile money initiatives on the rise, from cardless ATM withdrawals and…

Connecting Social Entrepreneurs to Impact Investors

A $350 billion gap sits squarely between today’s reality and the potential of impact investing. Why is it so difficult for investors to identify the right opportunities that achieve both social change and a return on capital? How can the development community serve as the intermediary between social entrepreneurs who provide essential services and the…

A Development Implementer’s Guide to LGBTI Inclusion

As the 2015 landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision allowed lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI)* couples to legally marry, 76 countries continue to uphold laws making homosexual conduct illegal, and at least five countries find execution a reasonable punishment for same-sex acts. Internationally, cultural acts of violence against the LGBTI community are vastly underreported…

We Can’t Achieve Health Goals for Women Without Women Leaders

For months we have been talking about and planning for the “post-2015 era.” Now it is just around the corner, with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ready to be adopted in September. While discussion thus far has been oriented on the agreement and its parameters, focus is now shifting to the means of implementation. With the…

Open and Online Education for All Youth

Internet connectivity is to us what the internal combustion engine, the printing press, or the compass were to previous generations. It continues to revolutionize our world at an astonishing rate. For the 75 million unemployed youth between the ages of 15 and 24, it offers a means to prosperity and a better life through provision…

Collaboration Drives Women’s Economic Empowerment

September 22, Members Day of the annual 2014 SEEP Conference, marked the launch of the SEEP Network’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Working Group. Throughout my career with Chemonics, I have spent the majority of my time focusing on issues surrounding women’s access to capital, business development services and SME development, particularly in conflict zones such…

Promoting Inclusive Governance from the Land Up

The count of African countries supposedly increased by one in June, when a Virginia man planted a flag in the disputed territory of Bir Tawil and claimed himself king of “North Sudan.” He based his claim on the doctrine of terra nullius, “land not under the sovereignty of any state.” The news article was something…