1 - 4 of 4 results for "moldova"

Cross-Sectoral Analysis Reveals Hidden Links to Youth Development

With the largest youth population in history at 2.4 billion, engaging young people in international development programming is critical in shaping their communities and the world.
Blog Post

Nancy Zlotsky

Senior Advisor, New Business Support

Nancy Zlotsky joined Chemonics in 1988 and has more than 25 years of experience supporting agriculture and other economic growth efforts around the world, especially in Africa. Over 10 years, she served as senior vice president…

Person - Specialist

Douglas Griffith

Chief of Party, Lebanon Enterprise Development Project

Douglas Griffith is the chief of party of the Lebanon Enterprise Development Project. His areas of expertise include enterprise development, industry competitiveness, value-chain strengthening, institutional strengthening, and policy reform. Previously, he was chief of party of…

Person - Specialist