Heather Goldsmith

Heather Goldsmith was formerly the human rights advisor for the Asia Business Unit. 

Person - Contributor

Manisha Aryal

Global Practice Lead, Digital Development

Manisha Aryal is a development practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in designing and implementing ICT-enabled programs globally. In her current role as the Global Practice Lead for Digital Development, she spearheads the company’s…

Person - Specialist

Dzenita Korac

Senior Vice President, Risk, Finance, and Compliance Division

Dzenita Korac is an international development professional with more than 20 years of experience implementing donor-funded projects with a focus on post-conflict countries. Since joining Chemonics in 2003, Dzenita has served in a dozen long-term and…

Person - Specialist

Christina Schultz

Christina Schultz serves as a Senior Advisor for programming and new business.

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David Anderson

David Anderson is formerly a senior advisor for the Europe and Eurasia region.

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