Growing the Next Crop of Agri-Tech Entrepreneurs Through Innovation and Scale

In Uganda, many farming families struggle financially. Three young Ugandan agri-tech entrepreneurs developed an innovative app and tapped talented young people to change that. A Chemonics project helped to bring their idea to scale.
Impact Story

Digital Revolution: The Future of Higher Education in Liberia

After decades of instability, how can Liberia build a 21st-century learning environment for its higher education institutions?
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Breaking Financial Barriers to Education in the DRC

In the DRC, many parents struggled to pay school fees for their children's education. ACCELERE!1 leveraged existing cultural traditions to help families earn and save money to keep kids learning.
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Building Safe Spaces for Learning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

To ensure that girls and boys in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have access to a meaningful education, the Accelere! project, funded by USAID and UK aid, aims to benefit more than 1 million children who otherwise would not get these opportunities.
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At Home in the Classroom

By integrating mother-tongue language instruction in primary schools, teachers are building a stronger foundation for young students in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Nurturing Youth Agripreneurship in Uganda

During an agricultural career exhibition organized by and for youth in Uganda, future agripreneurs, farmers, and agribusiness professionals learned to harness the wide variety of professional development opportunities in the sector.
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Harmonizing Aid in Zambia

Donor collaboration is increasingly important. In the education sector in Zambia, beneficiaries are learning to strategically engage donors, companies, and NGOs, helping to harmonize aid.
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