In the face of globalization, countries worldwide must strengthen and deepen their financial systems to achieve growth and alleviate poverty.
Final Report: Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project .
Project Report | September 30, 2012
This final report provides a summary of project activities, presents results and lessons learned, and enables access to the technical resources, tools, and templates produced by the Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project.
The Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project was designed by the USAID Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT, now known as E3) as a vehicle to test innovative approaches to financial-sector development and facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned through implementation. Through these activities, FS Share’s overarching objectives were to assist USAID to increase access to financial services and develop well-functioning markets worldwide. Through its four-year period of performance, July 2008 to September 2012, FS Share conducted a broad arrange of activities, including short-term assessments, pilot activities, and training for USAID personnel. FS Share also produced 37 technical materials and resources. The activities were demand-driven, solicited through surveys of USAID personnel, and initiated in response to requests of interest from USAID missions and operating units.