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Consultant Zira John Quaghe

Zira John Quaghe is an energy and mining consultant with experience working in power sectors and extractive industries across the developing world.

by Zira John Quaghe

Resource Development in Nigeria: The Imperative for Social License to Operate

Extraction of oil, gas, and mineral resources brings about profound changes to societies. While traditional wisdom suggests that communities and regions with valuable extractive resources are likely to become better off with resource development, substantial research has shown that, to a surprising extent, resource development does not lead to proportional economic development. In fact, in…

Why Privatization Has Not Improved Power Supply in Nigeria

This is a guest blog post that was originally posted on Ventures Africa. While gas shortages, inadequate transmission, and losses pose critical bottlenecks, the main challenge for the power sector in Nigeria is the lack of liquidity (or weak commercial viability) of actors along the value chain — from gas-to-power production to power generation, transmission,…