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Blog Contributor Melissa Cook

Melissa Cook formerly led Chemonics’ Digital Transformation team to create and implement a modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform.

by Melissa Cook

For Technology Solutions, Design with the Field Office in Mind

Have you ever asked yourself “did the person who built this software system ever even remotely talk to anyone that has to use it?” I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you (like me) have. Digital transformation efforts are littered with cautionary tales of designing tone-deaf systems that don’t meet the…

Why Electronic Payments Will Support Inclusive Growth in the Philippines

People often give me puzzled looks when I try to describe my job here, and I don’t blame them. Since 2015 I have worked on an international development program that supports the Philippines’ shift from a cash-based economy to a cash-light economy, which will improve the livelihoods of Filipinos by getting more people involved in…