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Our People .

Former Chief of Party Laura Zambrano

Laura Zambrano has more than 15 years of experience in international development, specifically in human rights, conflict management, and supporting vulnerable populations. Laura was previously the chief of party for the EnfoqueDH Human Rights Public Policy Activity in Mexico and deputy chief of party for the Colombia Human Rights Activity (HRA) and its predecessor, the Colombia Human Rights Program III. She received her B.A. in political science from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota and her M.A. in international development policy from Duke University.

by Laura Zambrano

Predicting Human Rights Violations Before They Happen

In 2000, Colombia was besieged by what had been one of the most violent decades in the history of its armed internal conflict. The rise and consolidation of paramilitary groups throughout the country that had begun as a self-protection movement against the guerrillas were out of control, and Colombia saw some of the worst human…