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Joeteshna Zenos's professional headshot, standing in front of green plants.

Advisor, Climate Finance Joeteshna Zenos

Joeteshna Zenos is a climate change specialist with more than ten years of international experience working in climate finance, climate justice, and climate change adaptation. As climate finance advisor with Chemonics’ Climate Group, Joeteshna advises project and proposal teams on effectively identifying and making available financial resources to support climate resilient development outcomes. Previously, Joeteshna worked at the Global Green Growth Institute to support the development, delivery, and assessment of climate change adaptation and climate finance work programs and activities in eight countries in the Pacific. As development specialist for USAID in Fiji, Joeteshna provided overall management and strategic direction in the implementation of USAID Pacific Islands $65 million climate change portfolio, including the highly successful $24 million USAID Climate Ready project which unlocked access to more than $300 million of climate finance for 12 Pacific Island countries. Joeteshna is a skilled team leader with a proven track record of developing investment concepts into projects that deliver sustainable results. She has diverse experience developing relationships across all levels of stakeholders, from farmers to government ministers and served as a policy analyst for two years with the Climate Change Division of the Fijian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She holds a bachelor’s in education, language and literature from the University of the South Pacific and a master’s in public administration from the University of New Mexico.

by Joeteshna Zenos

Scaling Climate Action in the Asia Pacific through Inclusive Finance

As the world gears up for the upcoming COP29 in November in Azerbaijan, the urgency of addressing climate change in the Asia Pacific region has never been more critical. With negotiations focused on channeling trillions of dollars from developed nations to emerging markets, the spotlight is on innovative and inclusive solutions.   My journey into sustainable…