Conducting Capital Markets Assessments in Developing Countries

The objective of the Capital Markets Assessment Tools (AT) is to conduct capital markets diagnoses in developing countries, based on a comprehensive questionnaire, and to identify targeted technical assistance to develop and strengthen well-functioning public markets.
Resource - Tool

Financial Sector Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies

This report provides U.S. government program designers with a basic technical understanding of the core requirements to introduce finance secured by movable property, a tool used to increase access to finance, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Resource - Paper

Financial Series #1: Enabling Sub-Sovereign Bond Issuances

This primer, Enabling Sub-sovereign Bond Issuances, provides U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basis of technical understanding of sub-national finance as a sustainable approach to supporting local government infrastructure development and improved service delivery.
Resource - Paper

Final Report: Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project

This final report provides a summary of project activities, presents results and lessons learned, and enables access to the technical resources, tools, and templates produced by the Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project.
Resource - Project Report

Final Report: Championing Economic Growth Best Practices in Asia and the Middle East – Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices

USAID’s Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices Project and the bureau’s technical support teams worked to identify country priorities, capture and disseminate best practices, and pilot innovative technologies and approaches to enable more-inclusive economic growth in Asia and the Middle East.
Resource - Project Report

John Thissen

John Thissen is a public finance management specialist with more than 20 years of experience in tax policy, revenue estimation, and forecasting, and impact analysis. He is currently a director in the Europe and Eurasia region…

Person - Contributor

Isaiah Oliver

Deputy Chief of Party - Partnerships, Climate Finance for Development Accelerator

Isaiah Oliver is a private sector engagement, trade and investment, and climate finance expert with more than 13 years of experience focusing on the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America. He has conducted…

Person - Specialist

Farrukh Khan

Chief of Party, Pakistan Small and Medium Size Enterprise Activity

Farrukh Khan is a private sector development leader with over 25 years of experience leading Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) development, competitive enhancement, and business enabling environment activities in Pakistan. He holds 19 years of experience…

Person - Specialist

Final Report: Mongolia Business Plus Initiative

A follow-on project of USAID’s economic policy reforms in Mongolia, the Business Plus Initiative was formed to enable the private sector, improve the capacity of government and business organizations, and expand dialogue to include business stakeholders and community understanding of the reform agenda.
Resource - Project Report