The Push and Pull of Power Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa

For the power sector to advance sustainably, private investment is critical. How can we bridge the gap between long-term public interests and the short-term goals of private investors? Energy expert Mark Tomlinson explores options
Blog Post

Practical Options to Accelerate Private Power Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

In the context of Sub-Saharan African power sector reforms and advancements, how can private developers and lenders better align with the needs of public counterparts? Furthermore, how can public leaders best lower risk for private investors without compromising social objectives? This technical brief addresses these questions.
Resource - Technical Brief

Why Privatization Has Not Improved Power Supply in Nigeria

About 95 million Nigerians don't have access to electricity and others experience frequent outages. Guest blogger Zira John Quaghe explains how Nigeria can improve its power supply.
Blog Post