3 Building Blocks for Mobilizing Inclusive Climate Finance

During a time when the private sector acknowledges the economic impact of climate change, international development partners must commit to easing bottlenecks that prevent corporate participation from mobilizing towards climate solutions. These building blocks highlight methods to incentivize private sector investment in inclusive climate action.
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How Careful Use of Technology Can Guide Climate-Sensitive Peacebuilding

Reducing violent conflict and battling the effects of climate change are significant challenges in and of themselves. Technology allows us to better analyze both issues by helping us determine where they intersect and exacerbate one another, untangling their driving factors and enabling us to develop smart solutions.
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3 Questions with Chris Perine on Chemonics’ Climate Group

As the world continues to grapple with climate change, Chemonics’ Climate Group Managing Director Chris Perine explains how the Climate Group is working to reduce our global footprint.
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How 58 Policies Are Helping Guide Ecological Restoration in Brazil

A review of 58 Brazilian national and state environmental policies charts a new path for the restoration of natural areas in the Matopiba region of the Cerrado biome, known as Brazil’s new agricultural frontier.
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All Hands on Deck: Furthering Youth Engagement in Climate Mitigation

As we celebrate International Youth Day, how can global development amplify youth voices and action as an integral part of fighting the climate crisis.
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Are Climate Programs the Most Effective Use of Climate Funding?

What are the most effective programmatic options to address climate objectives: climate programs, climate components, or climate mainstreaming? Brian App explores each and argues which may be the best option.
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