This RFQ is issued for the provision of security services for the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in Zambia. The authorized USAID geographic code for this RFP is Code 935.

Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines:

Questions Due: February 8, 2022 by 12:00 pm Zambian time (CAT)
Proposal Due: February 16, 2022 by 5:00 pm Zambian time (CAT)

Offerors shall submit their offers electronically only, via e-mail at the following address:

To: GHSC PSM Zambia Procurement Team
Subject: RFQ-2022-PSM-ZMB-Security Services
The Project: GHSC-PSM Zambia

RFQ No. 1982 – Security Services