Awarded: Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA) ($750,000) |

Chemonics International, under the USAID Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA), seeks an organization (referred to as “Anchor Partner”) to lead the Coastal Resilience, Carbon, and Conservation Finance (C3F) activity and disseminate lessons learned, best practices, and success stories from C3F to a community of practice.

CFDA is launching C3F to address challenges and support stronger matchmaking and ecosystem linkages between coastal resilience and ocean management actors. The purpose of C3F is to pilot an efficient, replicable mechanism to provide USAID Missions with the expertise to help local stakeholders develop and connect bankable biodiversity conservation, coastal resilience, and blue carbon projects with international and domestic sources of capital. As a result of C3F, private sector finance will flow into coastal resilience and blue carbon projects that generate biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation and adaptation outcomes with equitable benefit distribution and safeguards for local communities while improving global understanding of best practices. Importantly, the activity is not meant to outsource the design of broader coastal-marine programs, as there already exist robust design strategies and processes through USAID and other existing mechanisms; rather, C3F is meant to focus on closing the financing gap, by scaling and developing projects via innovative finance models and attracting private sector co-financing.

Proposals will be accepted through August 17, 2023 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Interested offerors are highly encouraged to join the Climate Finance Investment Network (CFIN). Managed by CFDA, the CFIN brings together climate finance stakeholders across a diverse set of sectors and emerging and frontier markets to partner with USAID. The objective of the network is to crowd in private sector climate financing through learning, partnership facilitation, and catalytic grants. CFDA will share all full and open solicitations, amendments, answers to questions, and other updates with contacts registered with the CFIN. There is no cost to join the CFIN and membership does not involve any commitment or obligation.
