Beth Skorochod is the director of practice for CollaborateUp, a partner to USAID’s VukaNow Activity.
Chloe Peebles is an international development professional with over 8 years of experience managing development projects in education, nutrition, public health, and supply chain in Central America and Francophone West Africa. After earning her master’s degree in international relations from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Chloe worked for the Association Béninoise Pour le Marketing Social,…
Alaa Zaza was the team lead for the Syria Education Programme. He is an education and child protection specialist with 15 years of experience in inclusive education and school social work. Alaa has targeted experience in education in emergency, early childhood development, social emotional learning, psychosocial support, and peace- and conflict-sensitive education.
Heather Goldsmith was formerly the human rights advisor for the Asia Business Unit.
Ashwin Suryavanshi is a former senior associate for the New Business Development team in Chemonics’ UK Division.
Lisa Ruch is a senior international development professional with 20 years of experience in designing and delivering economic growth programming for UK and US donors specialising in enterprise development, trade facilitation, and job creation in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. She holds a Masters degree in International Economics from…
Lance Morrell is a financial specialist with more than 35 years of professional experience, and is the Founder and Managing Director of FEI Consulting.
Dr. Baz Semo is a medical doctor and public health specialist with 30 years of experience in infectious diseases and health systems strengthening. She served as the managing director of global health programs at Chemonics. Prior to Chemonics, Baz worked for ministries of health in several African countries, U.S. academic institutions, U.S. nonprofits, and the…
Alejandra Abusada is a project management unit associate who currently supports the Colombia Justice for Sustainable Peace and Colombia Rural Finance Initiative projects.
Swaroop is the Supply Chain Management Information System Architect on the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project. He works for IBM, one of Chemonics’ consortium partners on GHSC-PSM.
Gabriela Posada is the regional coordinator for USAID’s Juntos para la Prevención de la Violencia project, implemented by Chemonics.
Oscar Jacob is a Senior Manager at Chemonics with over eight years of experience designing and implementing agricultural market development, investment facilitation, and climate finance programs in Sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti. He specializes in blended finance portfolio design, agribusiness resilience building, and operational planning and execution of multi-stakeholder projects. He is currently the Senior Manager…