3 Questions with Lilian Likicho and Isaiah Oliver: Trends in Youth Development

This year’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit challenged participants to think about achieving and scaling results in youth development over the next decade, while including youth in the process. From your perspective, what does the next decade hold for youth in development? Isaiah: From my perspective, the greatest challenge facing youth is a lack of…

A Facilitation Approach to Youth Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship

The Feed the Future Uganda Youth Leadership for Agriculture Activity facilitated linkages by influencing the youth employment and workforce development ecosystem. The activity identified private sector actors looking to hire youth and determined the skills gap between private sector demand and youth ability. The facilitation approach to youth workforce development built the right relationships among…

Empowering Youth to Succeed in Market-Driven Agriculture

In Nigeria, the Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS II) project addressed constraints in the agricultural value chain to improve rural farmers’ performance, income, and food security. To change how young Nigerians view and engage in the sector, MARKETS II promoted agriculture as “agribusiness,” engaging youth not just in farming, but…

How Can We Get Youth Interested in Agriculture?

Despite the remarkable progress the world has made in its fight against poverty, it is a challenging time to be young. Youth face high unemployment in many parts of the world today. In Africa, for example, young people account for 60 percent of all unemployed. The youth unemployment rates in countries like Botswana, Republic of…

Access to Finance for Youth: An Opportunity in Afghanistan

What is financial inclusion? Financial inclusion seeks to increase the number of individuals who are able to access formal financial services, with a focus on providing access to marginalized populations such as youth or women. According to the World Bank, almost 40 percent of the adults in the world do not use formal financial services,…

News: Expanding Market Frontiers: Chemonics Presents at #SEEP2016

How can inclusive markets combat poverty and provide opportunities for all people to prosper? During the SEEP Network 2016 Conference, global stakeholders explore how to broaden the reach of markets into new contexts and to new populations. Chemonics is proud to share its experience working in Uganda and Jordan, where digital technologies and innovative approaches to…