Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Mara River Basin

The Mara River Basin (MRB) is home to more than 1.28 million people in Kenya and Tanzania and supports a number of critically important wildlife areas. However, pressures such as population growth and land use change threaten water resources, and the threat to water resources in turn threatens development of key economic sectors such as…

Engaging the Private Sector in Green Infrastructure Development and Financing

Through case study analyses, this USAID report provides recommended steps that city officials and the donor community can take to engage private sector partners in green infrastructure (GI) development and financing in developing countries. Four case studies of successful GI that yield both climate resilience and mitigation benefits in urban settings are provided to showcase…

A New Solution for Advancing Criminal Justice in Latin America

Nearly half of Latin American countries rank among the nations with the highest impunity scores worldwide, suggesting that criminal justice systems lack resources to prosecute and try crimes effectively in a context of widespread crime and violence. Yet, Latin America has the partners, the resources, and the interest to tap one promising solution to the…

Development Works Here with Robert Anyang

We’d like you to meet Robert Anyang! Robert is an agricultural value chain improvement and marketing expert. With extensive experience advancing public-private partnerships, incubating youth-owned businesses, and expanding farmers’ access to markets, Robert shares how he was destined for his current career. Robert is one reason #DevelopmentWorksHere. 1. Can you tell us about your journey…

Building the Tech Workforce through Private Sector Engagement

Many countries find themselves facing “brain drain” — mass exodus of bright young minds seeking greater opportunities for employment abroad. In the small European country Moldova, for instance, one third of the population has left to find living wages elsewhere. Fortunately, engaging the private sector in technology-related workforce development projects offers a sustainable, market-based solution.…

3 Questions with Cynthia Steen on Transforming Moldova’s Agriculture Sector

Cynthia Steen serves as chief of party of the USAID Moldova High Value Agriculture Activity (HVAA) and has previously led agribusiness and enterprise development projects in multiple countries, including Egypt, Albania, Jamaica, Lebanon, Ethiopia, and Indonesia. HVAA is successfully demonstrating production, post-harvest, and marketing techniques to make Moldova a more competitive exporter, creating sustainable opportunities…

Carlos Morales

Carlos Morales has over 20 years of experience implementing USAID and other donor funded projects in Latin America. He worked for over than ten years in the Guatemalan food industry, developing an exhaustive understanding of the vegetables value chain and strong relationships with producers, suppliers, and international customers. Carlos worked with the World Wildlife Fund…