Final Report: Mozambique Coastal City Adaptation Project

To strengthen Mozambique’s ability to build resilience to climate change challenges, especially in vulnerable coastal communities, USAID launched the $19.9 million Coastal City Adaptation Project (CCAP) in 2013. Over a five-year period, CCAP worked with municipal governments to increase understanding of urban adaptation issues and increase the application of management options for urban adaptation, particularly…

Contract Completion Report: B+WISER

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Philippines Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER) Program was implemented in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to conserve biodiversity and reduce forest degradation, together with actions to support low emissions development and disaster risk reduction.

Final Report: Feed The Future Ghana Agriculture Policy Support Project

While Ghana has experienced much needed growth and development in the agriculture sector, the Ghanaian government has identified many opportunities to address remaining challenges to unlock its full economic potential. To address these challenges, the U.S. government launched the five-year, $15 million Feed the Future Agriculture Policy Support Project in 201, which increased  the capacity of…

Final Report: Georgia Primary Education Project

Implemented by Chemonics International, with local subcontractor Junior Achievement Georgia (JAG), the $12,565,635, six-and-a-half year Georgia Primary Education (G-PriEd) Project provided comprehensive assistance to the Georgian primary education system to improve reading and math competencies of Georgian and ethnic minority students in grades 1-6 and to introduce financial literacy through exposure to business skills.

Final Report: USAID Morocco Reading for Success – Small Scale Experimentation (RFS-SSE)

The USAID/Morocco Reading for Success (RFS) umbrella project was developed to address the challenges that the Moroccan education system faces in Arabic reading instruction and the system’s documented lack of reading results. Following the first research phase of RFS, USAID launched the second phase of RFS: the Reading for Success – Small-Scale Experimentation (RFS – SSE) activity.…

Final Report: Championing Economic Growth Best Practices in Asia and the Middle East – Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG) project in 2013. A five-year initiative with a shared ceiling of $69 million, AMEG enabled technical support teams in USAID’s Asia and Middle East bureaus to collaborate with USAID missions and operating units to identify and…

Final Report: Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites II

MARKETS II supported the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative, the government of Nigeria’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA), and its succeeding Agriculture Promotion Policy 2016 – 2020 (also known as the Green Alternative). Through a market-demand value chain orientation, the project focused on the large population of smallholders with between 1 to 5 hectares of…

Final Report: Resilience in the Limpopo Basin (RESLIM) Program

The goal of RESILIM, a five-year contract funded and administered by USAID/Southern Africa, was to improve transboundary management of the Limpopo River Basin and enhance the resilience of its people and ecosystems. With the support of the four Basin governments — Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe — the program was geared toward collaboration with…