Final Report: Digital Liberia and Electronic Government Activity

The Digital Liberia and Electronic Government Activity (Digital Liberia) is funded by the USAID Global Development, in collaboration with USAID/Liberia. The program built on the momentum started both before and during the Ebola crisis to strengthen the Government of Liberia’s (GOL) information and communications technology capacity and improve connectivity to better prepare the GOL to…

Final Report: USAID Regional Program for the Management of Aquatic Resources and Economic Alternatives

Biodiversity loss is one of Central America’s most pressing challenges. The five-year, $13.9 million USAID Regional Program for the Management of Aquatic Resources and Economic Alternatives, implemented by Chemonics International, was developed to strengthen coastal-marine resource management and biodiversity conservation while improving the livelihoods of local populations. Population growth in coastal marine areas, climate change,…

Final Report: Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity

From November 2016 to September 2020, the Feed the Future (FTF) Land Market Development Activity (LMDA) increased Tajikistan’s agricultural competitiveness and self-reliance by facilitating the emergence of a functioning, gender equitable land market. Focusing on 12 target districts in Tajikistan’s Khatlon region, LMDA worked through four mutually reinforcing tasks to advance reforms, strengthen private and…

Lecture Pour Tous Early Grade Reading Assessment Midline Results

Senegal has made considerable efforts to improve its education system, which have led to some increases in primary school enrollment and strategies to improve quality. However, it still faces challenges in improving student performance. In response, the Ministère de l’Education nationale (MEN), or the Ministry of National Education, has made reading one of its priorities…

Workplace Obstacles for Women in Government in Afghanistan: Analysis and Recommendations

The USAID Promote: Women in Government (WIG) project is pleased to present the Workplace Obstacles: Analysis and Recommendations (WOAR) follow-up report. This report is the culmination of three years of research, analysis, and collaboration with the Afghan government. The report that follows not only identifies the key barriers to women’s participation in the Afghan civil…

Women in Government Partnership Assessment

PROMOTE: Women in Government is a joint commitment by the United States and Afghan Governments that works to empower 75,000 women between the ages of 18 and 30, and help ensure these women are included among a new generation of Afghan political, business, and civil society leaders. To support the project’s objectives, this partnership assessment…

Women in Government Gender Analysis Report

PROMOTE is a joint commitment by the United States and Afghan Governments that works to empower 75,000 women between the ages of 18 and 30, and help ensure these women are included among a new generation of Afghan political, business, and civil society leaders. To support the project’s objectives, in July and August 2015, the…

Final Report: Integrated Financial Management System

Because of IFMS support, Haitian government agencies had real-time access to expenditure data through the improved IFMS network. Entities can send and receive key data faster and make more informed planning decisions. IFMS installed the UXP, a technology developed in Estonia that enables peer-to-peer data exchange over encrypted and mutually authenticated channels. IFMS contributed to…

Final Report: Sindh Reading Program

The Sindh Reading Program (SRP) is a five-year USAID-funded education project launched to improve early grade reading and establish formal and nonformal systems capable of continuing long-term support for reading. The project covered seven districts of the Sindh province (Larkana, Qambar-Shahdadkot, Kashmore, Jacobabad, Khairpur, Sukkur, and Dadu) and five towns of Karachi (Orangi, Layri, Kemari,…

Final Report: Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project

The Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project was designed by the USAID Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT, now known as E3) as a vehicle to test innovative approaches to financial-sector development and facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned through implementation. Through these activities, FS Share’s…