Is Land Tenure “Secure Enough” in Rural Rwanda?

Michael Brown and Ailey Hughes propose that despite increasing informality of ownership, land tenure in Rwanda is “secure enough” to incentivize smallholder investment in land, but the emerging threats arising from the implementation of agricultural policies could constrain the country’s development gains in the future. Recommendations are offered to the Government of Rwanda.

Integrating Gender Into Trade Capacity-Building Programs in the Middle East and Asia

This document aims to help development professionals design trade capacity-building programs that respond to the clear-cut case for equalizing economic conditions for men and women. To assist development professionals in identifying appropriate areas for interventions, this paper gives an overview of the complex issues related to gender and trade, presented in five parts: Setting the…

Preferences and Demand for a Fixed Income Social-Impact Investment Report from AMEG

USAID’s Asia and the Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG) Project is designed to support USAID missions in developing effective and efficient economic growth programs that address technical and strategic challenges specific to countries in which USAID operates in Asia and the Middle East. Through AMEG, USAID is able to conduct rapid and strategic…

STEP-Up Zambia’s Approach to Improving Learner Performance

The USAID Strengthening Educational Performance-Up (STEP-Up) Zambia project began in December 2011. This report describes how the project team’s first challenge was to understand why the primary education system in Zambia, which once performed well, had in recent years (circa 2012) struggled to deliver quality education and produce students who succeed in higher education. STEP-Up’s…