Transportation Management System: TransIT and ePOD

In 2018, Chemonics developed a transportation management tool called TransIT, which is currently being used on the GHSC-PSM project. With engineering support provided by Chemonics’ partner Arizona State University, TransIT uses a cloud-based system that enables access to transportation information anytime and anywhere while minimizing infrastructure, set-up, and maintenance costs. The tool aggregates end-to-end data…

Continuing Learning with Arizona State University

In 2018, as part of Chemonics’ commitment to continual learning and higher education for its global workforce, Chemonics and ASU teamed up to provide Chemonics’ employees across the globe with a first-of-its-kind opportunity to pursue pathways to continual education at a prestigious university in a flexible, low-cost format. This MiniMasters program was custom designed by…

Chemonics – Arizona State University Partnership for Innovation

By combining ASU’s depth across a wide variety of academic disciplines with Chemonics’ practical international development experience in 150 countries worldwide, our goal is to create a free exchange of ideas and a worldwide laboratory for testing and scaling innovations to solve the world’s toughest problems. The shared objectives for both parties includes apply research…

Quarterly Report: Global Health Supply Chain Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order – Global Health Security Agenda

The Global Health Supply Chain-Technical Assistance (GHSC-TA) Francophone Task Order (Francophone TO) country activities, during the period from February 2017 through June 2017, focused on operational start-up, recruitment, and laying the groundwork for launching technical activities over the next several months. Task Order objectives included: 1) strengthening in-country supply systems, 2) strengthening supply chain security…

GHSC-PSM Global Standards and Traceability

The Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) program ensures uninterrupted supplies of health commodities by enabling the identification, data capture, and data sharing of every item procured at every point in the supply chain, from manufacturer to dispensary to the end user/patient. This provides security and efficiency in the supply chain…

Our Work in Health

We understand that complex health problems require integrated, cross-sector solutions. We apply expertise and lessons learned from our work across sectors — in education, environment, gender, democracy and governance, economic growth, and agriculture — to support local actors and holistically address intractable health problems. Our programs advance universal health coverage through innovative business models.  Our…

Our Work in Agriculture and Food Security

Addressing the economic, political, and health consequences of food insecurity requires more than just agricultural interventions. Our multisectoral efforts focus on tools and technologies and the enabling environments needed to scale these solutions. Our projects address food insecurity in vulnerable livelihoods for smallholder farmers. As a result, the individuals, households, and communities we work with…

Our Work in Supply Chain Solutions

From our founding in 1975, Chemonics has worked in more than 150 countries to help our clients, partners, and beneficiaries tackle the world’s toughest development challenges. Chemonics optimizes and streamlines global supply chains to provide critical health and other commodities, maximizing value for our clients and creating impact that improves the lives of vulnerable populations.…

Promoting Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Chemonics programs support low-cost, high-impact interventions for clinical and community-based family planning and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention. Through grants to local organizations, Chemonics is working to improve SRH services in health facilities, youth centers, and one-stop clinics. Chemonics also provides technical assistance and support procurement for essential reproductive health commodities in more than 15 countries…

A Systems Approach to Global Health

Chemonics works to strengthen the ties between different actors in the health system to improve its overall performance and sustainability, and this requires tackling the underlying challenges to strong and resilient health systems, from financial protection for vulnerable populations to human resources for health. We also work to improve health service delivery and strengthen information…

Improving Healthcare for Women and Children

This information sheet provides a brief summary of the health systems approach used by Chemonics to improve efficiencies and increase resources for maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) services. Chemonics’ programs strengthen health supply chains to ensure that commodities for mothers, newborns, and children are available when and where they are needed. The company also…