Changes in our climate are contributing to changes in vector ecology, amplifying the risk of epidemics and pandemics from both endemic and emerging infectious disease agents. In addition, the threat of bioterrorism continues to pervade across the globe. Global health, however, security cannot be achieved without the creation of equitable, resilient, and efficient health systems…
The USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) partners with the Government of Ukraine (GoU), the private sector, and civil society to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy through innovative communications initiatives that engage Ukrainians in a conversation about the country’s democratic transformation and European integration.
Shrinking donor budgets, renewed calls for localization, and countries’ desire to move away from donor dependence require new ways of approaching development. This resource details initiatives and projects that illustrate the efforts and achievements of Chemonics in the private sector engagement space.
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Advancing Universal Health Coverage (AUHC) Activity is a five-year, research and development project designed to transform the Surjer Hashi Network (SHN)—formerly known as Smiling Sun—into a sustainable, gender-sensitive, and pro-poor social enterprise aiming to provide quality and affordable health services for the population of Bangladesh.
This fact sheet details our work to strengthen governments’ institutional capacities to reduce trade barriers, implement regional and bilateral trade agreements, reform border-crossing operations, and build the capacity of customs officials.
This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work to build institutional and human capacity to increase domestic resource mobilization, plan and execute budgets, and monitor, evaluate, and report on budget expenditures.
This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work to help institutions develop, improve, and expand the reach of a variety of financial services, including digital financial services, debt and equity financing, factoring, purchase-order financing, insurance, and savings products.
This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work to support entrepreneurship and enterprise development. Using a facilitative approach, we partner with local businesses and service providers to improve market linkages, foster innovation, develop products, increase access to new or improved inputs, and identify market opportunities.
This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work in fostering business enabling environments. Our approach focuses on reducing risk, lowering the costs of doing business, and building pro-investment climates. We help broker partnerships between government counterparts and the private sector to advocate for streamlined business procedures, greater competition, and more efficient tax and customs processes.
USAID’s End Malaria Project supports the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to achieve and sustain its goal of universal coverage of ITNs through mass and school-based distribution campaigns in targeted provinces as determined by the NMCP and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). The project will strengthen the…
The United States Agency of International Development (USAID) Senegal Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) activity supports the Government of Senegal (GOS) and its Ministry of Health and Social Action (MSAS) to make meaningful and sustainable improvements to its country’s health system. The first of three components under USAID’s “Improving Health Status and Human Capital…
The Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP) is a five-year USAID-funded project implemented by Chemonics International that will contribute to reducing malaria mortality, morbidity, and parasitemia in four high malaria burden provinces (Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Tete, and Zambézia). IMaP will achieve this goal through three objectives: Support the implementation of proven malaria interventions at community and…