Final Report: Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP)

The USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) was a seven-year (2014 to 2021), $18.48 million project that provided support to businesses through policy and regulatory reforms, improved infrastructure, and institutions. The project improved the enabling environment for the province’s agriculture sector and promoted private sector-led growth, with a focus on the horticulture and dairy and…

Balancing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability in Indonesia

One-third of Indonesia’s 75,000 villages, home to 32 million people, lie within or adjacent to land dedicated by the government for forestry or conservation. All Indonesian citizens depend on healthy ecosystems for goods and services, including water, soil, forest products, and others that underpin sustainable development. However, weak governance, a lack of private sector commitment,…

Wayne Lifshitz

Wayne Lifshitz is an entrepreneurial senior leader, systems-thinker, business strategist, and strategic connector with more than 20 years of cross-cutting experience in Big 5 consulting, start-up, nonprofit, federal, and social enterprise sectors. He is currently a Senior Director in Asia for the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) Project and acted…

Final Report: E-PESO Activity

From to March 2015 to February 2021, the E-PESO Activity worked to help accelerate the transition of the Philippine economy from cash/checks to digital payments. This report discuss the rapid, widespread adoption of e-payments in the country and how it was achieved through partnering with the Government of the Philippines and the private sector. This…

Luke Waggoner

Luke Waggoner is a former senior democracy and governance specialist at Chemonics.

Heather Goldsmith

Heather Goldsmith was formerly the human rights advisor for the Asia Business Unit. 

Final Report: Vietnam Governance for Inclusive Growth Program (GIG)

This final report highlights the Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) program, aimed at strengthening governance, expanding access to quality higher education, addressing threats to health and the environment, and improving opportunities for vulnerable groups. The report discusses the program’s continuous, adaptive technical assistance and summarizes GIG’s successes and lessons learned for program design. It also…

Building Climate Finance Capacity in Nepal

Nepal is highly vulnerable to natural disasters. And as global warming continues, Nepal’s vulnerability accelerates, too. New local authorities often lack the financial management skills necessary to effectively manage green infrastructure projects. With better capacity to manage climate funds, Nepal will position itself to manage weather-related risks and spur investment in its green growth. The…

Politics and Gender: Maintaining Women’s Meaningful Participation in Afghanistan

Afghanistan stands on the brink of a historic peace deal with the Taliban. However, with a peace deal comes the prospect of incorporating the Taliban into the formal structures of governance. And with a unified government, questions emerge about the impact of such governance on women’s rights. Over the past 20 years, the United States…

Dr. Baz Semo

Dr. Baz Semo is a medical doctor and public health specialist with 30 years of experience in infectious diseases and health systems strengthening. She served as the managing director of global health programs at Chemonics. Prior to Chemonics, Baz worked for ministries of health in several African countries, U.S. academic institutions, U.S. nonprofits, and the…

Mauricio Moscoso

Mauricio Moscoso currently serves as the chief of party for Peru Institutional Strengthening Partnership for DEVIDA. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, designing, and implementing economic development projects in Latin-American, Asia, and Eurasia.  He has previously served as the general director of the Productive Development Department at the Ministry of Production in…