Amy Denkenberger

Amy W. Denkenberger is formerly Chemonics’ Chief Information Officer .

Kristin Dreiling

Kristin Dreiling is an international development and environmental management professional with more than 10 years of experience in community-driven development and project management. She was the knowledge management and learning specialist on USAID’s Climate Change Adaption, Thought Leadership, and Assessments (ATLAS) project.

News: Chemonics at Global Innovation Week

Digital technologies and data-driven approaches have enormous potential to transform global development. During Global Innovation Week, Chemonics joins USAID in celebrating these approaches to development challenges and announcing our commitment to innovation. Chemonics President and CEO Susanna Mudge joined leaders in the global development community to share some of Chemonics’ efforts to advance its innovation…

News: Chemonics Helps Foster Economic Opportunity at the India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Show

New Delhi, India: Beginning Wednesday, September 27, the Passage to Prosperity: India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Show will bring together more than 1,000 public and private sector participants for a three-day trade and investment event. The purpose of the trade show is to support Afghan producers in expanding their exports to Indian markets. Creating opportunities for Afghan products…

Modernizing the Sri Lankan Judicial System

To modernize Sri Lanka’s justice system, the USAID Coherent, Open, Responsive, and Effective Justice (CORE Justice) program strengthened the performance of core justice sector institutions and actors through supporting digitization and automation, continuing legal education, as well as organizational and individual skill building. Working in close collaboration with key stakeholders in the judiciary, government, legal…

News: Chemonics’ E-Payment Activities in Afghanistan

After decades of war, Afghanistan continues to raise headlines questioning the effectiveness and value of providing development assistance in such a conflict-prone country. It is easy to focus on the negative headlines and criticisms. Yet while there are challenges, there are also successes that prove why these investments matter. The Afghanistan Trade and Revenue (ATAR)…

A Stronger Private Sector in Pakistan

A primary prerequisite of stabilization is a robust and competitive private sector supported by policies that will enable economic growth. The USAID Pakistan Firms project worked toward this end, assisting targeted firms to boost exports and employment in the livestock, tourism, fishing, and mango industries. One main focus of Firms was to work with district…

Jim Griffin

Jim Griffin is a former director in Chemonics’ Global Health Division.

Chris Gegenheimer

Chris Gegenheimer is a director for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Technology and leads efforts in rolling out new data collection, management, analysis, and visualization technologies across home and project offices. Since joining Chemonics, Chris has been in the MEL department supporting proposal and project teams in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and…