Case Study and Webinar: The Importance of State Legitimacy in Achieving Stability

Conflict narratives in fragile states are often framed by identity groups or other non-state actors along ideological or ethno-sectarian lines to achieve political ends. But in many instances, the main grievances of populations in affected communities are centered around basic dignity and livelihoods. Non-state actors, including violent extremists, often try to capitalize on these grievances…

Final Report: HRH2030 Capacity Building for Malaria

From 2016 to 2021, the USAID Human Resources for Health in 2030 (HRH2030) program Capacity Building for Malaria (CBM) activity supported the development of high-functioning health systems that are equipped to lead nationwide malaria activities in 10 countries across West and Central Africa.

Centering Youth in Green Workforce Development

The climate crisis and ability to find decent jobs are two of the most urgent and significant issues facing young people. To address this, Chemonics and Unbounded Associates developed a set of resources to share the youth perspective on facilitating a just transition to the greening economy. These resources aim to provide development organizations with research-based practical guidance for…

Rights Live in All Languages: Promoting Indigenous Rights in Mexico

Indigenous Peoples remain among the world’s most marginalized populations and often face systematic exclusion from their nation’s social, economic, and political systems. According to Mexico’s 2020 census, more than 7.3 million people aged three years and older speak one of the country’s 68 indigenous languages, representing six percent of the total population with 25 million…

World Water Week 2022

During this session our panel of experts presented an overview of prevailing groundwater development and management challenges in the South African Development Community (SADC) region and discussed interventions for groundwater governance through improvement of policy, legal and institutional frameworks, effective groundwater knowledge management, and mainstreaming groundwater governance into River Basin Organizations.      The USAID…

Electromobility and Net-Zero Buildings in Mexico

During the webinar on Electromobility: The Future of Transportation That’s Already Present in Mexico, panelists discussed opportunities in the area of zero-emissions transportation and the feasibility of electrifying transport in Mexico, particularly bus transportation systems as well as taxis and delivery vehicles. During the webinar on Net Zero Buildings: The Future of Construction That’s Already…

Final Report: Lecture Pour Tous

The five-year Lecture Pour Tous program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and completed in December 2021, made marked improvements in early grade reading outcomes in Senegal. The initiative directly supported reform efforts led by the Ministry of Education (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, or MEN) to use evidence-based approaches, including national…

Final Report: Soma Umenye

Soma Umenye targeted all children in grades P1-P3 attending public and government-aided schools nationwide to ensure that at least 70 percent of these students could read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. USAID Soma Umenye helped: Create and distribute an essential core of Grade 1-3 teaching and learning materials Provide professional development to Grade 1-3…