Are Climate Programs the Most Effective Use of Climate Funding?

With the anticipated resurgence of climate change on the U.S. development agenda, the objectives of reducing atmospheric carbon (mitigation) and increasing climate resilience (adaptation) will again be front and center. It is, therefore, critical that those designing and implementing climate programming reflect on the programmatic options and identify the ones with the greatest potential to…

Part 2: How Can We Optimize the Health Workforce During COVID-19 and Beyond?

In this two-part series, we call for country leaders to consider whether they are optimizing their health workforce and offer some resources and tools to help ensure uninterrupted care and continued provision of high-quality health services. In Part 1, we provided three recommendations to support health workers in the short term. We now consider sustainable…

Part 1: How Can We Optimize the Health Workforce During COVID-19 and Beyond?

Before COVID-19, health workers were already in short supply in many countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified 57 countries that have critical health workforce shortages, and it estimates a global health worker shortage of 18 million by 2030, primarily in low- and middle-income countries. Since the pandemic began, health workers have often been pulled…

3 Questions with Norma Evans on Chemonics’ Numeracy Toolkit

Chemonics’ recently published toolkit, Getting to (2+6): A Toolkit for Responsive Numeracy Programs, is a resource designed to help educators implement programs that enhance student’s ability to use, interpret, and communicate mathematical information.  As co-author of the toolkit, Norma Evans explains the guiding principles behind it and how it can lead to better outcomes for students…

From Billions to Trillions: Using Blended Finance for Scaling Impact in Climate and Health

The following blog post introduces Chemonics’ recently launched Blended Finance Technical Briefs series. Each explores a different development sector as it intersects with blended finance and impact investing, including agricultural finance, gender lens investing, healthcare services, health supply chains, and sustainable landscapes. With private capital outpacing traditional donor assistance, the devastating impact of the COVID-19…

Combating Climate Change with Data-Driven Development

The mechanics of drilling a well are straightforward. Knowing where, how, and whether to drill that well amid extreme conditions wrought by climate change poses a whole new challenge. International development experts, confronting the complexities of rising temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, and extreme weather, are adding new data-driven approaches to their toolkits to drill that…

Development Works Here with Andres McAlister

We’d like you to meet Andres McAlister! Andres is an integrated supply chain manager on the Global Health Supply Chain team on the PSM (Procurement Supply Management) Project. Andres discusses how he became interested in development, his experience in the MiniMasters program brought by Chemonics’ partnership with Arizona State University, and what motivates him. Andres…

More than Pipes and Pumps: Good Governance Drives Improved WASH

We live in an increasingly urban world with infrastructure and essential services struggling to keep pace. From the current level of 56% in 2020, the United Nations (UN) projects that 68% of the world’s population will be urban by 2050. Many of the world’s fastest growing populations over this period are projected to be rapidly…

Making the Last Mile Clearer than Ever

In an effort to reduce malaria and HIV morbidity, and to improve access to maternal and child health and family planning commodities, the Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project delivers key life-saving medicines to the last mile across the world. Distribution of commodities in Cameroon, Haiti, and Niger is often inhibited by…

Decarbonizing Power Sectors in Emerging Markets Begins with Better Energy Governance

The experts say it’s possible. We can limit the warming of our planet to 1.5 C if we achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. That’s encouraging until you consider that Asia alone now accounts for 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that share is growing. The power sector plays a major role in the climate challenge. For…

Why Glasgow’s Climate Talks Should Warm to Resettlement for Small Island States

Small, low-lying islands are on the frontlines of climate change. From Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico, to Tuvalu and Kiribati in the Pacific, these populations not only face existential sea-level rise, but exacerbated economic and social fallout from an ever-warming world. While many states have fostered climate resilience by fortifying…