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Best of the Blog 2022

| 3 Minute Read

From innovation and inclusion to supply chain management, 2022’s top posts reflected the year’s hot topics.

Check out our countdown of the 10 most popular blog posts from 2022!

10. How to Promote Meaningful Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples

By Carlos Flores and Nataly Cruz-Castillo

Indigenous peoples and communities are critical to sustainable development outcomes across many sectors, including environmental conservation, economic growth, and social justice. Yet historical and structural barriers have posed a challenge for meaningful engagement of Indigenous peoples, that leverages their knowledge, expertise, and solutions.

9. A New Approach Towards Strengthening Local Capacity and Organizational Leadership

By Djenie Danjoint and Sharon Bean

With the international development community’s continual focus on developing local capacity, there has been a resurgence in mentoring and coaching, and the LCAP experience demonstrates that these powerful tools develop critical thinking skills and motivate leaders to act.

8. Perspective: Marvie Javed on Climate Change and the Flooding in Pakistan

By Marvie Javed

The scale of devastation caused by floods in Pakistan is an eye-opener for the world and for us Pakistanis too, with many asking why more hasn’t been done to better prepare at-risk communities. It is important to highlight that climate change, while certainly a contributor and a multiplier, alone cannot be blamed.

7. Creativity and Innovation Can Save the Day

By Lauren Behr

With the alarming consequences of wealth and income gaps, the pandemic, and a climate crisis unfolding before us, we are confronted daily with the choice of either maintaining the status quo or organizing to usher in a more hopeful, daring future.

6. Why Holistic Inclusion Matters for Stabilization Programs

By Saeed Uri and Bahar Aljammoor

Practitioners are constantly juggling the priorities of donors while continuing to deliver effective programming. Mainstreaming GESI must not be viewed from the lens of one additional priority to consider, but rather as a principal component to sound management and effective programming.

5. Why Conflict Analysis Matters for Economic Development

By Bianca S. Auriemo

Conflict sensitivity (CS) analysis – which is based on the understanding that any project operating within a conflict-affected or fragile environment has some impact on peace and conflict dynamics even if the project does not directly target peacebuilding and stabilization – is a critical component to ensuring that economic growth efforts are successful.

4. Why Building Strong Local Finance Skills and Systems is Key to Making Good on the Glasgow Climate Pact

By Oliver Ellis and Ashish Rauniar

COP26 saw record levels of capital pledged toward combatting the effects of climate change in countries like Nepal. If the global community is to achieve shared climate goals, we must build up the people and systems responsible for turning those commitments into constructive action.

3. Enhancing Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management for Improved Health Outcomes

By Joyce Tobias

Despite the challenges in access to and proper regulation of pharmaceuticals in LMICs, strengthening pharmacovigilance capacity as well as pharmacy services serve as key examples of patient-centered approaches to strengthen pharmaceutical systems that provide reliable access to quality health care services to the populations we serve.

2. Learning from Colombia’s Inclusive Approach to Migration

By Molly Burns, Juan Anibal Sosa Iglesias, and Juan Barco

The Colombian national government’s open embrace of migration presents a courageous set of political and policy choices that seeks to make these migrants visible and incorporate them into society. In support of this effort, the USAID-funded Venezuela Response and Integration (VRI) Activity helps the Colombian government systematically turn integration-related migration policy into practice and strengthen social cohesion.

1. What Is People-Centered Justice Programming and Why Does it Matter To You?

By Rebecca Duke and Linda Erikson

People Centered Justice is a complex concept, but it opens the doors to opportunities for improvement, to contribute to a paradigm shift in the justice sector, and to positively impact people. The know-how on implementing PCJ programming and its definition is still nascent.

Posts on the blog represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Chemonics.