A Local Certification System in Georgia: Steppingstones to Meeting Market Demands

The GeoGAP experience can help groups — such as farmers’ associations and implementing partners — consider whether supporting a certification scheme is appropriate for their context and provides insights for adapting approaches.
Resource - Technical Brief

Final Report: Vietnam Governance for Inclusive Growth Program (GIG)

This final report examines the outcomes of the Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) program and how it enhanced governance, improved trade and the regulatory environment, increased accountability, and expanded inclusive social and economic opportunities for vulnerable populations in Vietnam.
Resource - Project Report

Lessons Learned on Scaling Aflasafe Through Commercialization in Sub-Saharan Africa

This brief provides an overview of the five-step process on scaling Aflasafe through commercialization in sub-Saharan Africa and highlights lessons learned.
Resource - Technical Brief

Our Journey from Incubation to Market: Status of Aflasafe Commercialization in Africa

This brief describes the three-phase approach to transfer and commercialize Aflasafe across different African countries, as well as the challenges and lessons learned throughout the process.
Resource - Technical Brief

Final Report: Championing Economic Growth Best Practices in Asia and the Middle East – Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices

USAID’s Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices Project and the bureau’s technical support teams worked to identify country priorities, capture and disseminate best practices, and pilot innovative technologies and approaches to enable more-inclusive economic growth in Asia and the Middle East.
Resource - Project Report

Final Report: Nepal Economic, Agriculture, and Trade Activity

USAID, in partnership with Chemonics, launched the comprehensive Nepal Economic, Agriculture, and Trade Activity in December 2010 to strengthen foundations for rapid, sustained, and inclusive economic growth that would lessen pressures that could lead to conflict, reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and generate revenue.
Resource - Project Report