A Local Certification System in Georgia: Steppingstones to Meeting Market Demands

The GeoGAP experience can help groups — such as farmers’ associations and implementing partners — consider whether supporting a certification scheme is appropriate for their context and provides insights for adapting approaches.
Resource - Technical Brief

Final Report: Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project

The Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project helped farmers in Tajikistan and local participants improve their livelihoods through a host of governmental reforms, technical advice, and capacity-building policies. As a result, farmers, civil society actors, and policymakers enhanced their homeland.
Resource - Project Report

Maximizing Business Value from Sustainability Investments Table

In Nigeria’s agricultural sector, USAID’s Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites project improved productivity, incomes, resilience, and access to diverse quality foods. The project played a key role in scaling up agricultural technology interventions to meet market demand and alleviate rural poverty.
Resource - Fact Sheet