Stabilizing Iraq, One Job at a Time

Salar was forced to leave his hometown of Bashiqa during the conflict with ISIS, where he spent his time working as a blacksmith. He was supported by USAID's Durable Communities and Economic Opportunities, or Tahfeez, program.

Centering Youth in Green Workforce Development: Agriculture

Youth employment and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector can provide direct career opportunities, promote positive economic outcomes along the agricultural value chain, and drive the adoption of climate-smart technologies.

Living the Principles for Digital Development: Understand the Existing Ecosystem

In Pakistan, the USAID Small and Medium Enterprises activity (SMEA) helps small businesses overcome structural inequalities in the digital ecosystem.

Empowering Youth to Drive Economic Reform in Tunisia

The Tunisia JOBS project works with university students to demystify the economic reform process and introduce how they can advocate for positive change that will create more job opportunities and improved competition.