Meeting the Moment: Local Changemakers Lead in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Chemonics was joined by a diverse group of 40 local changemakers, partners, and project staff representing over 20 countries to discuss best practices for promoting locally led approaches to conflict-aware development and peacebuilding in fragile and conflict-affected states.
Resource - Event

Case Study and Webinar: The Importance of State Legitimacy in Achieving Stability

This case study explores evidence of and recommendations for legitimizing government to strengthen and stabilize fragile states.
Resource - Case Study

Final Report: Supporting Moderate Education in Syria Project

This final report summarizes the achievements of the Supporting Moderate Education in Syria project, known locally as Injaz II, which provided educational and trauma-related support to children and youth in Northeast Syria.
Resource - Project Report

Final Report: Libya Transition Initiative 3

This report summarizes the achievements and impact of the Libya Transition Initiative (LTI) 3, which worked to preserve stability, maintain resilience against spoilers, and create conditions that enable political compromise.
Resource - Project Report

An Evaluation of the Injaz Psychosocial Support Program in Syria

This report evaluates the effectiveness of the psychosocial support activities delivered by the Injaz education program in Syria. It uses project data to make recommendations for other implementors and funders working in similar contexts.
Resource - Project Report

Developing Participatory Evaluations for Countering Violent Extremism

This concept paper outlines emerging findings on the potential of participatory, community-based approaches to the research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of countering violent extremism (CVE).
Resource - Paper