Centering Youth in Green Workforce Development: Agriculture

Youth employment and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector can provide direct career opportunities, promote positive economic outcomes along the agricultural value chain, and drive the adoption of climate-smart technologies.

Annatto (Achiote): An Economic Alternative to Mining in Chocó

Annatto (Achiote), a spice and coloring agent extracted from the seeds of the evergreen, is growing as an economic alternative to mining in Chocó (Colombian Pacific Coast).

The Story Behind Honey Production in Northern Colombia

In Northern Antioquia, Colombia, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Colombia) is implementing an ambitious honey production program to improve the livelihoods of more than 300 families in five mining municipalities.

Producer Associations in Colombia

Responding to the violence and instability brought by coca cultivation, associations in Anorí, Colombia created a plan to return to responsible farming, resulting in an improved economy, reduced violence, and an empowered community.

A Better Life

Every year, people from El Salvador travel to the United States looking for work. This project is giving them new job opportunities at home. Watch this video and see how.

A Mother’s Wish

Because there are few job opportunities in northern El Salvador, many people leave the country to work elsewhere. A new project is keeping families together by creating new job opportunities at home.