Lessons Learned on Scaling Aflasafe Through Commercialization in Sub-Saharan Africa

This brief provides an overview of the five-step process on scaling Aflasafe through commercialization in sub-Saharan Africa and highlights lessons learned.
Resource - Technical Brief

Our Journey from Incubation to Market: Status of Aflasafe Commercialization in Africa

This brief describes the three-phase approach to transfer and commercialize Aflasafe across different African countries, as well as the challenges and lessons learned throughout the process.
Resource - Technical Brief

USAID/Nigeria MARKETS II Ex-Post Study

This paper presents the findings of an ex-post study of USAID’s Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites II (MARKETS II) project in Nigeria.
Resource - Paper

A Facilitation Approach to Youth Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship

The Feed the Future Uganda Youth Leadership for Agriculture Activity bridged the gap between youth and the private sector by using a facilitation approach.
Resource - Technical Brief

Maximizing Business Value from Sustainability Investments Table

In Nigeria’s agricultural sector, USAID’s Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites project improved productivity, incomes, resilience, and access to diverse quality foods. The project played a key role in scaling up agricultural technology interventions to meet market demand and alleviate rural poverty.
Resource - Fact Sheet

MARKETS II Mid-Term Update (2015)

USAID’s Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS II) project used proven private sector demand-driven market interventions, focusing on constraints in the agricultural value chain. MARKETS II worked in five value chains: cocoa, cassava, rice, sorghum and aquaculture.
Resource - Project Report