People on the Move: Strengthening Adaptation Responses to Support Human Movement in a Changing Climate

The following study contributes to research on climate change's effect on migration for specific demographic groups, and further examines case studies that offer context-specific examples of climate-influenced human movement.
Resource - Paper

Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Mara River Basin

The main objective of this USAID assessment is to evaluate the vulnerability of the Mara River Basin to climate variability and change, while providing investment recommendations for donors, the government and the private sector to address the changing nature of risk across the basin.
Resource - Paper

Shifting Burdens: Malaria Risks in a Hotter

This analysis offers a new view of potential changes in malaria seasonality due to projected rising temperatures. The primary objective of this report is to provide health practitioners and development planners with information on the shifting national and regional incidence of malaria in Africa in response to rising temperatures.
Resource - Paper