Libya Economic Acceleration Project

By creating broad-based economic opportunities for southern Libyans across ethnic and demographic lines, LEAP delivers critical support for a more stable and prosperous region.
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Supporting Education in Syria (Injaz III)

Funded by the Department of State, the Supporting Education in Syria (Injaz III) program improves access to and quality of education in Northeast Syria.
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Syria Education Programme (SEP)

Providing children living in Syria with a safe, inclusive, and high-quality education that meets their specialized learning, psychological, and protection needs.
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Injaz II

The Syrian conflict has raised an unparalleled need for access to education so that young Syrians have a chance to learn and thrive.
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Economic Growth Through Sustainable Tourism Project

With millions of people visiting Jordan each year, the government recognized that the tourism industry is a major asset to Jordan’s economy and should be strengthened.
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Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices (AMEG)

Piloting and sharing approaches to job creation, public financial management, trade and customs, access to finance, enterprise and workforce development, and economic inclusion is promoting economic growth in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.
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Building Economic Sustainability through Tourism (BEST)

Beyond enriching the lives of millions of visitors every year, the tourism sector plays a critical role in Jordan’s economy and requires structured support to achieve its full potential.
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