To improve access to high-quality health products worldwide, the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management project employs cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to make global health supply chains more efficient and reach more people.
Improving Lives through Access to High-Quality Family Planning .
Fact Sheet | October 31, 2022
Chemonics contributes to reducing unmet family planning need through our low-cost, high-impact interventions and technical assistance.
Access to high-quality voluntary family planning enables individuals, couples, and families to improve their sexual and reproductive health, transforming their lives while contributing to their communities’ economic growth and resilience. Yet more than 200 million women who want to avoid pregnancy lack access to modern contraceptive methods. This limits their ability to decide whether to have children or determine their number and spacing. Further, lack of family planning access increases risk of death or disability as a result of childbirth. This fact sheet shows how Chemonics-implemented projects support more than 60 countries meet their family planning goals.
- Fact Sheet Family Planning Fact Sheet